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Re: [CC-L] A bug or just a feature ?

Date: 10/6/98 2:11:17 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Simon Rogers

Stuart Hunter wrote:

> I like to use the 'VIEW PAN' command to navigate round maps, so I set this command to the user definable icon. However, if I try and use it in the middle of another command (e.g. whilst selecting a series of objects), the program thinks I want to re-define the meaning of the icon. Is there anything I can do to avoid this; are there changes I can make to fcw32.mac/fcw32.mnu to permanently re-assign the user definable icon to a PAN command. >

PAN will work in mid command but currently has an "Escape" character before It to cancel the previous command. To do as you request:

1) Open fcw32.mnu (dungeon.mnu as well when DD2 is released)

2) Find the line that reads:

#320,REPEAT:[Saved command]$LCOM;

Change it to read:


REPEAT is a built-in icon [Pan] is the tooltip text, PAN is the text Equivalent of the command (found at the end of every entry in the help file).

Alternatively, if you want to define a 16x16 16 color icon for it called PAN.BMP in your CC2 directory, you could instead change it to read


Re: [CC-L] Symbol Creation

Date: 10/7/98 9:17:13 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Mark Fulford

Wire, William wrote:

> The question I have comes in when I attempt to place the symbol on a map. I've got a map of the Cormanthor Palace in Myth Drannor that I'm working on. It's approximately 500 feet x 400 feet. I have the grid set up at 10 foot intervals. When I try to place my 10' stairway, it appears to be microscopic and I have to scale it up to fit in the squares. The question is: Is there any way to set the size for the symbol so that it ALWAYS starts at the correct scale? I would like to insert the symbol and unless I change it's size, have it scaled correctly ~ that is, if I insert the 10' stairway, it appears at the 10' size on the map until I change it.

This is a question of units. The long explanation follows, but all you need Do is load the symbol catalog, type UNITS, enter a value of 12 inches per unit, and then save the changes to the catalog. When you next load the catalog, the symbols will insert at the correct size.


Long explanation:

Blank.FSC is in CC2's symbols\maps folder, and its units are defined for overland maps. If you open Blank.FSC and type UNITS, you will see they are defined as "Inches per unit = 1".

If you create a new map based on one of the dungeon templates (like Bill did) and type UNITS, you will find they are defined as "Inches per unit = 12".

Equate these units and you get: from the catalog 1 = Inches per unit = 12 from the map. In other words, the symbols in the catalog are 1/12 scale.

Re: [CC-L] Windowpane lines

Date: 10/7/98 7:34:11 PM Pacific Standard Time

From: Stuart Hunter

Kai Larson wrote:

>I am trying to re-construct the large map by piecing back together the smaller detailed maps, through copying and pasting. >

>My problem is that after copying and pasting, my master map now has 2 sets of "windowpane lines" (the lines that divide the map into 4 rectangular quadrants. Instead of just one windowpane, I have 2, slightly offset from each other. I've tried erasing them, but the program doesn't seem to know they are there. How can I get rid of (at least one of) these lines, or, alternately, how do I align the windowpane lines so they are exactly on top of each other rather then offset.>

I suspect you are using the mouse to select the origin and placement of the small maps you are combining. If you type in the co-ordinates instead, you should get a perfect line-up, assuming all the small maps are of the same size.

The windowpanes might be on a frozen layer (MAP BORDER?). Alternatively, they could be the edges of MULTIPOLY filled areas in each small map. If the latter you will have to explode each multipoly, remove the components that formed part of the windowpane, and re-multipoly into larger filled areas across the boundaries between the smaller maps. If this is the case, working with just one layer visible at a time (plus SYMBOL DEFINITION) will make the task easier, though if the map has a lot of detail, you might still need to use INFO to identify which lines belong to which multipoly, then select by TAG.

Re: [CC-L] Mouse styles

Date: 10/8/98 1:32:33 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Simon Rogers

> You want to see the Cross mouse cursor - I agree! Which reminds me of MY favorite desire for CC2:

> When drawing I'd like to be able to:

> 1) Get a cross-hair that runs the full length of the screen, height and width,

Try pressing CTRL-T - this will toggle crosshairs on. We removed this from the menu as we though no one would use it. This option is saved with the drawing.

> 2) Be able to nudge the cross-hair over a pixel or so at a nudge of a cursor key.

This is more a paint-program kind of thing. You can duplicate the effect by select a small grid (no arrow keys required)!

Re: [CC-L] More suggestions

Date: 10/8/98 5:14:15 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Mark Fulford

Chris Conboy wrote:

> I changed my Edit menu as below, but I get a GPF when I run "Redo All".

> Is this snippet below correct?

> &Edit:

> &Undo ^Z:|UNDO;

> &Flip:|FLIP;

> &Redo:|REDO;

> &Redo All;

> Clip&board>:

No, it's not correct because there is no command after the Redo All label. The following would be correct.

Redo &All:|REDOA;


label = "Redo All"

command = CANCEL then REDOA;

The & character shows which letter menu keyboard alternative.

Re: [CC-L] plateau question ??

Date: 10/9/98 4:48:00 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Simon Rogers

Druzzil wrote:

> well, I have a question and hope that anyone can help me with it. I am working on a world map for my own campaign. within my world there is an area which is like a big plain. a part of this plain is a rocky plateau made of pure stone, which is rising up out of the plain. now my question: how can I best draw a big area which should look like a 3D-plateau, but without using symbols that are given with cc2 (cause there is no symbol which would fit as I want), ?

Nice question. I had to do this the other day. One way to do it:

Draw a Smooth Path representing the top edge of the plateau

Draw a Smooth Path representing the bottom edge of the plateau

Left click on attach, right click on attach then select Nearest Point ON

Select Draw > Lines > Perpendicular. Select a point on the top smooth path

Move the cursor round, selecting points on the other spline.

Go round until you have finished drawing lines.

At this stage (optionally) you can:

Make a copy of the two splines

Join the ends up with lines

Make the whole thing into a grey multipoly.

If you are feeling very brave, you can divide it into smaller multipolies with shades of grey.

RE: [CC-L] plateau question ??

Date: 10/9/98 5:46:58 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: William Wire


If there is no symbol that makes you happy, create one. But that doesn't help does it? I think it would be almost impossible to explain how to make a pseudo-3D plateau adequately in text. You'd need some graphics and diagrams to explain properly, but I'll give it a shot.

* First, you should realize that since you are not placing a small feature, but instead, defining a large area, that the standard "sideways" view which most of the CC2 symbols are drawn in is the wrong view. Instead, you will want an almost vertical view of the area. I would suggest a view directly above, and slightly "south" of the plateau. Draw the top surface of your area as a smooth polygon. (Make sure it's a filled poly. It will make the process easier later.)

* Now, what remains is adding the 3D effect. The way I would accomplish this would be to copy the polygon (make sure it's a different color) to a slightly more southerly location. Copy using coordinates so that you get precision. The distance you use will determine the height of the cliff which surrounds the plateau. You probably don't want too much height because you are supposed to be looking almost straight down on it right?

* Send that new copy to the BACK.

* Use the OUTLINE macro under the example macros to outline the original polygon.

* Change to a color similar to, but slightly darker than the original polygon. Change the color of the outline to this color.

* Explode prior. This produces lots of tiny lines which duplicate the path. You'll need some, but not all later.

* Now comes the hard part to explain. For each visible portion of the new polygon will fall into one of these two cases:

1. The segment has a definite southern intersection with the original

2. The segment is (very loosely) shaped like a "U" which at the upper end of each upright portion of the U, curls in to meet the original.

* Instructions for Case 1:

* Draw a smooth path in a color similar, but not the same as the original polygon. Begin the path at the ENDPOINT of whichever tiny line segment is closest to the southern-most intersection point between the polygons. You should zoom WAY in on the intersection to help you get the right one. Don't worry if the endpoint isn't right at the intersection, it doesn't have to be exact. (If you want it to be, you can use INTERSECT and perform some trim to entity later.)

* Zoom back out to where you can see the entire section you are working on again.

* Click the "Attach" button on the bottom tool bar, OR use the ON modifier for each of the following points.

* Place each point in your path ON the new polygon until you get to the point at which it just begins to "curl" towards the original at it's upper intersection point. This next (and LAST) point on this path you will place at the ENDPOINT of the tiny line which corresponds to the same "curl-in" point on the original polygon. You should Zoom WAY in to make sure you get the right spot. If you want to be precise, you can place the last point ON a segment, then trim the segment to the path you just created, but I doubt it's worth the trouble.

* Make sure your color & fill style are set the way you want them, then Multipoly. Select a box which contains all of your segment, plus all of the tiny line segments bounded by the intersection points of your new path.

* Zoom way in on the intersections and un-select any tiny segments outside the path bounded by your new path.

* Un-select by entity type > smooth polygon.

* Do-It.

* You should now have a multipoly which exactly (or very close to it) follows the path of the "new" polygon, connects vertically to the original, and then follows the original around to where it intersected the new one.

* Repeat this for all Case 1 segments you find.

* Instructions for Case 2

* Perform the same procedure as for case 1, except that your starting point will be different.

* In this case, your starting point will be at the ENDPOINT of a tiny line segment on the original polygon directly above either one of the "curl-in" points described in case 1.

* Once you have your endpoint, use ON or ATTATCH to follow the new polygons path around to the second "curl-in" point on the other end of the "U" and proceed as you did in case 1 until the end.

* Once you have completed all of these segments, Erase. Draw a box around your entire plateau. Un-select by type: Multipoly, and Smooth Polygon. Re-Select by COLOR, (check on the OR again), and chose the weird color you made the "new" polygon you copied from your original plateau. Do-It.

* Use the OUTLINE macro. Select the ENITRE plateau. This includes all the multipolies, and the original plateau. Do-It.

* You now have the basic shape of the plateau. Add some rocks, and other symbols to spice it up. Also, you will want to draw some vertical (or almost vertical) lines to look like crevasses created by erosion.

* Once you have all the crevasses and rocks and whatnot, Insert>Group the whole thing so you can move it, scale it, turn it into a symbol (if you do, be sure to explode the symbols you added first), whatever.

I hope this helps you out. I've explained it as best I can without pictures. Sorry for the long reply everybody.

Re: [CC-L] Bitmap Fill

Date: 10/12/98 2:43:32 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Mark Fulford

Ken Snellings wrote:

> I've been trying to fill a rectangle with a background bitmap. I've done this several times before but with this particular bitmap (a map of a medieval city) I am getting nothing. Just a hollow box. Can anyone shed some light on what may be happening here. (I do have patch installed)

When a bitmap doesn't display, save the drawing, close CC2, then restart. We're not quite sure why this happens, but we are addressing the problem.

Also, try using Patch 2's new PICT command. PICT works without needing the Bitmap as a fill style and is quicker to use.

Re: [CC-L] Layer references

Date: 10/13/98 2:14:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Simon Rogers

Mike Schmitz wrote:

> Is there a way to 'nickname' your layers in order to have a more concise way of referring to them during commands without actually changing their 'real' names? It would be nice to be able to say 'FRONT BP' instead of 'FRONT BORDERS/POLITICAL'. I know I could just change the names in the layers dialogue, but I rather like having the full names there. >









Do L at the beginning of each session.

Then you can type F by Layer BP

Re: [CC-L] Lines to length

Date: 10/14/98 6:42:24 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Simon Rogers

John Csaky wrote:

> Two things: One; I am aware of the status line, my question is....Is there anyway you can enter the length in so that you do not have to try to be steady with the mouse? I can do the clicking with a lot of accuracy by zooming in on the area where I am going to click, but that is time consuming. I thought I use to be able to type something like ' @T:0,24.5 'at the command line and the line would continue from the first point to that reference point.

The status line is only guaranteed exact if SNAP or ORTHO is on. The following macro allows you to create a line of any length then drag it Into position. Remember, you can rotate it by holding SHIFT then CONTROL. If you cancel at the Insert At prompt, the line will be placed at the last point you selected before the command.


GV ln ^DLength:


GW dl <0,

APND dl ln

GP p1 @0,0

LINE p1 dl


DRAG p1 ^Dinsert at:




Re: [CC-L] Lines to length

Date: 10/14/98 6:42:49 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Simon Rogers

John Csaky wrote:

> Two things: One; I am aware of the status line, my question is. Is there anyway you can enter the length in so that you do not have to try to be steady with the mouse? I can do the clicking with a lot of accuracy by zooming in on the area where I am going to click, but that is time consuming. I thought I use to be able to type something like ' @T:0,24.5 ' at the command line and the line would continue from the first point to that reference point. >

> I did not realize that the status line would give you the angle and exact coordinates as other status as you clicked upon the status line. Thanks! >

I would suggest drawing a line of the correct length using LINE, starting a point then typing @0,<length > where length is the length. You can then drag that line from an endpoint to another endpoint, or use dynamic edit to change the position of either end.

Re: [CC-L] Template Question

Date: 10/16/98 1:27:49 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: Linda Kekumu

Open the template for the 2000x1000 map & erase the border. Now click on the box icon & enter the coordinates 0,0 & 2000,4400. Click on Zoom Extends to center the map.

Choose file save as 2000x4400 map template.

From: Jason Winter

Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 6:33 PM

Subject: [CC-L] Template Question

I am trying to make a template that is 2000 miles wide by 4400 miles tall. I am following the directions in the book, but they don't seem to match up with whats actually being displayed on the screen. I.e. its telling me to click on buttons that I don't see anywhere. I have come across this problem before as it seems the book is from an older version. (I installed patch 2 the day after the program arrived). If anyone could give me some instructions that would allow me to construct this template, it would be greatly appreciated.

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