Fantasist's Scroll

Fun, Fiction and Strange Things from the Desk of the Fantasist.

Space Opera Star System Generator

The Ytam Star System

Ytam is a Class F - Yellow-White - Star that has 6 planets in orbit.

There is 1 habitable planet
Planet Alpha is a lifeless rock with a methane ocean and has 3 moons
Planet Beta is an ice giant and has 7 moons
The Gamma Asteroid Belt exists in the orbit where a planet used to be.

Planet Pifot is a terrestrial planet covered by thick jungle and numerous, large fresh-water lakes and has 4 moons.
This habitable planet has a mass 2.4 that of Earth and a radius of 1.5 that of Earth and an atmosphere that is 25 percent oxygen, 73 percent nitrogen, 0.06 percent carbon dioxide and trace amounts of helium, neon, argon, hydrogen, and trace amounts of other elements. The average temperature is between 50° F and 70° F on average. This planet is known for a particular mollusc used in the production of dye used on the outside of star ships.
This world is mainly populated by the Gyvywites who are basically Earth-standard humanoids but with silvery hair and golden eyes. They are unaggressive, but not interested in following the ways of other cultures either. They have mandatory schooling through the age of maturity. They use a system-wide corporate governance by a multicorporation consortium as their style of government.
They believe in polytheism; or the belief in an array of divine or spiritual beings of roughly the same importance. Their spiritual practices have a rigid hierachy with most decisions made at a regional level. They believe that seeking to expand the frontiers of knowledge is the ultimate goal of life and their sacred texts are meant for private individual study as each adherent follows their own specific path, though there are some groups who add nuance to those beliefs.

Planet Delta is a gas giant and has 13 moons
Planet Epsilon is a tidally locked and lifeless rock with a hot side facing the star and a cold side facing away and has 5 moons
Planet Zeta is a rocky dwarf and has 3 moons

Inspired by all the random generators on the internet and every space opera novel I've ever read or science fiction role-playing game I've ever played.

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